Publishing Preferences

The Publishing Preferences are accessible in the Multicollab tab on the left sidebar. Navigate to Admin Dashboard ➡️ Multicollab ➡️ Settings ➡️ Publishing to manage these preferences.

Preferences use alerts in Gutenberg, prompting authors with pop-ups when attempting to publish a page or post. These alerts notify author of any pending comments or suggestions that need review before publishing.

Here are two options for setting publishing Alerts:


When an author tries to Publish a post or page with pending comments or suggestions, alert and remind them about it, but they can publish the content.

  • If this option is selected, everyone will be reminded when they try to publish a post that has unresolved comments or pending suggestions. This is useful to alert authors to review the unresolved comments and changes before they Publish the post.


When an author tries to publish a post or page with pending comments or suggestions, alert them about it and disallow the content from being published.

  • If this option is selected, users cannot publish a post with unresolved comments or pending suggestions. This is useful for preventing incomplete publishing content, unresolved comments, and pending suggestions.

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