Compatibility with ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) blocks

With the release of the Multicollab 4.3 version, users can now add comments on ACF blocks and the block’s text.

By harnessing the flexibility and versatility of ACF, Multicollab users are now empowered to collaborate seamlessly on ACF blocks with content creators and administrators, alike.


Question 1: Is Multicollab compatible with all ACF Gutenberg blocks?

Answer 1: The Multicollab plugin is compatible with all the ACF Gutenberg blocks included with the “Gutenberg Blocks – ACF Blocks Suite” plugin.

Question 2: Does the suggestion editing feature work with ACF blocks?

Answer 2: Only Whole block suggestions i.e. “Block Add” and “Block Remove” suggestions work with all the ACF Gutenberg blocks.

Question 3: Is real-time collaboration compatible with ACF blocks?

Answer 3: Yes, the real-time collaboration feature is compatible with the ACF Gutenberg blocks.

Question 4: Which ACF version is compatible with Multicollab?

Answer 4: Multicollab plugin v4.3 and above is compatible with the Gutenberg Blocks – ACF Blocks Suite v2.6.10 and Advanced Custom Fields v6.2.4 and above plugins.

Question 5: Does Multicollab work with ACF Pro only?

Answer 5: Yes, the Multicollab plugin v4.3 and above is compatible with the Advanced Custom Fields PRO v6.2.4 and above plugin.

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