How Suggestion works?

You must click Publish or Save Draft on the page or post for any Multicollab activity to save on your website database. There is currently no autosave feature for Multicollab.

You can use Suggestion Mode to manage the editorial process of content creation and collaboratively navigate through editorial workflows and troubleshooting within WordPress.

How to Use the Suggestions Feature?

To use Suggestion Mode, the Admin user must have turned on Suggestions within the Multicollab settings menu (Admin Dashboard > Multicollab > Settings > Suggestion Mode). The Admin can turn suggestions on for all pages, specific pages or posts, or specific categories.

On Administrator-approved pages or posts, authors can toggle Suggestion Mode on or off. This is done by clicking on the Multicollab icon in the top right corner of the editing screen and clicking on the Settings tab (⚙️), and enabling Suggest Edits.

Authorized users can accept, reject and comment on each suggestion directly within WordPress. Depending on the Administrator’s settings, suggestions can trigger automated alerts sent via also trigger automated alerts sent via automated email notifications and/or Slack notifications.

Color-coded By Contributor

Suggestions on posts or pages are color-coded by each contributor to that page or post. To enhance organization, one contributor’s suggestions appear in the same color throughout a page or post to scan the editorial workspace within Gutenberg Editor quickly.

Multiple suggestions on the same content will be highlighted as an 'Edit'

With the ‘Suggest Edits’ mode, users can add multiple suggestions on the same content. They no longer have to sit back and wait for a suggested comment to be accepted or rejected before they can ‘suggest’ another change in the same part of the content. This saves time, and all the team’s suggested changes can be made in a single draft revision.

Add multiple suggestions on newly added content [All text Blocks]

Add multiple suggestions on recently deleted content [All text Blocks]

Add multiple suggestions to captions of Media blocks [Available for Media Blocks]

Multicollab 3.4 now lets users add multiple suggestions to captions of Media blocks which was earlier restricted to Text blocks only.

Highlight newly added/removed blocks as a new Edit [Available for all Blocks]

To make the suggestions feature as wholesome as possible, Multicollab 3.4 brings the ability to highlight if and when a new block is added or removed from the draft.

Highlighted as a coloured edit, this will make it easy for all content stakeholders to keep track of added blocks in ‘Green’ and deleted blocks in ‘Red’ from the entire draft.

Add suggestions in custom, dynamic, and reusable blocks [Available for all Block types]

The new version release lets users add suggestions to all block types, i.e. Custom blocks, Dynamic blocks, and Reusable blocks.

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