How to Upgrade Your Premium Plan

Upgrading Multicollab

Step 1: Visit this link, enter the appropriate credentials, and click on the 'Log In' button.

Step 2: Click on the 'License Keys' option → Click on the 'View Upgrades' option → Verify the Plan name and Upgrade Cost and click on the 'Upgrade License' option.

Step 3: Verify the product name and upgrade Cost → Click on the 'Complete Checkout' button to successfully upgrade your premium plan.

Step 4: Once you’ve successfully upgraded your premium plan, verify the transaction and subscription details.

Step 5: Once you’ve successfully upgraded your premium plan, go to your website’s WordPress dashboard and click on the 'Multicollab' tab.

Step 6: Click on the 'Licenses' tab → click on the 'Deactivate License' button to deactivate the currently activated plan → Enter the new license key (Note: License key remains the same for the Upgraded plan) and click on the 'Activate License' button to successfully upgrade the plugin.


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