Upgrade from Free to Premium

Here is a step-by-step instruction to upgrade from a free plan to a premium plan license.

Multicollab Free to Multicollab PRO

  • Step 1: Go to your website’s WordPress Admin and click on the 'Multicollab' tab.
  • Step 2: On the Multicollab dashboard, click on the 'Upgrade' button.
  • Step 3: Once you’re redirected to the Multicollab website, follow the steps mentioned in the “Purchase/Download” section to upgrade from a free to a premium plan.
  • Step 4: Before installing the premium build, delete the free plugin that is already installed on your site.

Go to your website’s WordPress Admin and click on Plugins ➡️ Click on the 'Deactivate' option under the Multicollab plugin ➡️ Provide appropriate feedback for plugin deactivation and click on the 'Submit & Deactivate' button ➡️ Click on the 'Delete' option and click on 'OK' to confirm.

  • Step 5: After buying the premium plan, complete the plugin installation and activation by following the steps mentioned in the “Installation” and “Activate License” sections.
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